showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 SNK Playmore? labelimageminimize
L'Aigle de Guerre  Nintendo2001Game description from [[link:]]:

Okay, release this game only in Japan, and France. Thanks, Nintendo! Napoleon is a strategy game that is very loosely based on historical fact, that basically involves you, playing Napoleon, running around really fast on your horse, giving your troops orders. Go up next to a unit, and you can tell it to move, or join a formation, or attack a unit, or capture a base, or whatever. So basically, Napoleon is a cursor with hit points. Which is pretty cool, really.

Unofficial English translation available:
Wings ZOO Digital Publishing;Cinemaware;Metro3D (Raylight Studios;Crawfish Interactive)2002In WINGS ADVANCE, you'll relive the action, glory and seat-of-the-pants daring of a WWI Allied or German fighter pilot. Wings Advance includes a wide variety of missions, from strafing enemy convoys to bombing aerodromes. You'll also go head-to-head against opposing fliers in first-person dogfights.***
Operation Armored Liberty  Majesco Games (Majesco Sales)2003 labelimageminimize
Glory Days - The Essence of War  SG Diffusion;Atlus (Neko Entertainment)2005 labelimageminimize